
[These are the Publication list of all CQST Faculty. Publications before 2021 is part of the Quantum Research activity in IIIT Hyderabad before the formation of Centre for Quantum Science and Technology (CQST)]


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Unsupervised and lightly supervised learning in particle physics (review article) Journal Article

Subhadip Mitra

Jai Bardhan Tanumoy Mandal , Subhadip Mitra, Cyrin Neeraj, Monalisa Patra

Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. , (2024)

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Relating CP divisibility of dynamical maps with compatibility of channels Journal Article


Arindam Mitra, Debashis Saha, Samyadeb Bhattacharya, and A. S. Majumdar

Phys. Rev. A 109, 062213, (2024)

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Broadcasting of non-locality, Journal Article

Indranil Chakrabarty

Dhrumil Patel, Arup Roy, Indranil Chakrabarty & Nirman Ganguly

Pramana - J Phys 98, 59, (2024)

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Fresh look at the LHC limits on scalar leptoquarks Journal Article

Subhadip Mitra

Arvind Bhaskar, Arijit Das, Tanumoy Mandal, Subhadip Mitra, and Rachit Sharma

Phys.Rev.D 109 (2024) 5, 055018, (2024)

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Controlled State Reconstruction and Quantum Secret Sharing Journal Article

Indranil Chakrabarty

Pahulpreet Singh and Indranil Chakrabarty

Phys. Rev. A 109, 032406, (2024)

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Pinning down the leptophobic Z' in leptonic final states with Deep Learning Journal Article

Subhadip Mitra

Tanumoy Mandal , Aniket Masaye , Subhadip Mitra , Cyrin Neeraj , Naveen Reule , Kalp Shah

Phys.Lett.B 849,138417, (2024)

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Pointer States in the Born-Markov Approximation Journal Article

Uttam Singh

Uttam Singh, Adam Sawicki, and Jarosław K. Korbicz

Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 030203 , (2024)

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Teleportation of quantum coherence Journal Article

Indranil Chakrabarty; A K Pati

Sohail, Arun K Pati, Vijeth Aradhya, Indranil Chakrabarty, Subhasree Patro

Phys. Rev. A 108, 042620 , (2023)

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Right-handed neutrino pair production via second-generation leptoquarks Journal Article

Subhadip Mitra

Arvind Bhaskar, Yash Chaurasia, Kuldeep Deka , Tanumoy Mandal , Subhadip Mitra , Ananya Mukherjee

Phys.Lett.B 843 138039, (2023)

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Non-Markovianity and entanglement detection Journal Article

Indranil Chakrabarty; Samyadeb

Sourav Chanduka, Bihalan Bhattacharya, Rounak Mundra, Samyadeb Bhattacharya and Indranil Chakrabarty

IJQI, 21,05, 2350025, (2023)

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Machine learning-enhanced search for a vectorlike singlet 𝐵 quark decaying to a singlet scalar or pseudoscalar Journal Article

Subhadip Mitra

Jai Bardhan, Tanumoy Mandal, Subhadip Mitra, and Cyrin Neeraj

Phys.Rev.D 107 115001, (2023)

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Correlations in Quantum Network Topologies Created with Cloning Journal Article

Indranil Chakrabarty

Manish Kumar Shukla, Minyi Huang, Indranil Chakrabarty and Junde Wu

Mathematics, 11(11), 2440, (2023)

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Speed limits on correlations in bipartite quantum systems Journal Article

Siddhartha Das; A K Pati

Vivek Pandey, Divyansh Shrimali, Brij Mohan, Siddhartha Das, and Arun Kumar Pati

Phys. Rev. A 107, 012212, (2023)

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Production of singlet dominated scalar(s) at the LHC Journal Article

Subhadip Mitra

Subhadip Bisal, Debottam Das , Swapan Majhi and Subhadip Mitra

Phys.Lett.B 839 ,137806, (2023)

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Impossibility of Cloning of Coherence Journal Article

Indranil Chakrabarty

Dhrumil Patel, Subhasree Patro, Chiranjeevi Vanarasa, Indranil Chakrabarty, Arun Kumar Pati

Phys. Rev. A 103, 022422 , (2021)

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Broadcasting of correlations via orthogonal & non-orthogonal state dependent cloners Journal Article

Indranil Chakrabarty

Manish Kumar Shukla, Indranil Chakrabarty, Sourav Chatterjee

Quantum Inf Process, 19, 15 , (2020)

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Broadcasting of quantum correlations in qubit-qudit systems Journal Article

Indranil Chakrabarty

Rounak Mundra, Dhrumil Patel, Indranil Chakrabarty, Nirman Ganguly, Sourav Chatterjee

Phys. Rev. A 100, 042319 , (2019)

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A note on robustness of coherence for multipartite quantum states Journal Article

Indranil Chakrabarty

Chiranjib Mukhopadhyay, Udit Kamal Sharma, Indranil Chakrabarty

Pramana - J Phys 93: 69, (2019)

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Asymmetric broadcasting of quantum correlations Journal Article

Indranil Chakrabarty

Aditya Jain, Indranil Chakrabarty, and Sourav Chatterjee

Phys. Rev. A 99, 022315 , (2019)

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Quantum no-go theorems in causality respecting systems in presence of closed timelike curves: Tweaking the Deutsch condition Journal Article

Indranil Chakrabarty

Asutosh Kumar, Indranil Chakrabarty, Arun Kumar Pati, Aditi Sen De, Ujjwal Sen

EPL 122 1000 , (2018)

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On the price of proactivizing round-optimal perfectly secret message transmission Journal Article


Ravi Kishore, Ashutosh Kumar, Chiranjeevi Vanarasa, Kannan Srinathan


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